FAQs (Georgian Bay Minor Hockey)



1. How will GBMHA ensure equality during the coach selection process?

GBMHA will form a Coach Selection Committee, co-chaired by the President and Vice President of the association, who will also serve as members of the committee. The Coach Selection Committee will establish a screening panel for each coaching position consisting of five members:

  • two committee representatives (one member from MMHA and one member from PMHA)
  • three community members. (Two of these members will typically be affiliated with MMHA and PMHA, respectively, while the third will be unaffiliated with either association. Alternatively, all three may be unaffiliated.)

2. What’s the deal with pre-skates?

Pre-skates provide players with a chance to regain their on-ice rhythm after a break. While attendance is optional, each player has the opportunity to skate up to four times before evaluations. Coaches do not participate in pre-skates; instead, they are led by the Directors of Junior and Senior Programming along with a team of volunteers. Dates and times for the pre-skates are posted on the GBMHA website.
More information about the registration process will be sent out shortly.

Pre-Skate Fees:
Each pre-skate is $10 and is paid in cash before the player goes on the ice.

3. Does my child have to attend the "A" player evaluations to be able to attend the "B" player evaluations?

If your child wishes to play on the "B" team, they do not need to attend the "A" player evaluations first.  During registration, you can select whether your child will start their player evaluations at the "A" or "B" classification.  
Please note that the "B" coach may be present at the "A" player evaluations to observe, providing an opportunity for your child to demonstrate their skills.  

Player evaluation fees:
"A" Team evaluations  - $100 (includes the player evaluations for the "B" team if your child is not selected for "A")
"B" Team evaluations only - $75

Players who start at the "A" team evaluations are guaranteed 3 skates at either the "A" or "B" levels.  Players who start at the "B" team evaluations are guaranteed 2 skates.

4. Which league will my child play in?

  • All "A", "BB" and "MD" teams will play in the York Simcoe Minor Hockey League (YSMHL)
  • All U11 and U13 "B" teams will participate in the Region 5 hockey League (R5HL) (non-contact)
  • All U15 and U18 "B" teams will participate in the Region 5 Hockey League (R5HL) (contact)
  • All U9-U18 "LL" teams will play in the Georgian Bay Triangle Hockey League (GBTLL)
  • U21 teams play in the Simcoe Regional Local League (SRLL)

5. How many goalies will be kept per team?

By default, all "A" and "B" teams will aim to carry two goalies.  However, adjustments may be made at each level based on the number of goalies registered across our "A", "B", and "LL" teams.  Our priority is to place goalies at the appropriate level for their development while ensuring balanced team rosters.  

To support this, teams will strategically utilize the AP system to maintain strong goaltending depth across all divisions.  Additionally, our youngest teams will be encouraged to develop new goalies, helping to build a solid foundation for future seasons. 

6. What teams will the association be offering?

As required by the OMHA, GBMHA will make all reasonable efforts to ice primary Representative Teams at:
  • "MD" classification for U9
  • "A" classifications for all age groups including U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16 and U18
GBMHA will make all reasonable efforts to ice secondary Representative Teams at:
  • "BB" or "B" classification for age groups U11, U13, U15, U16 and U18 ** Conditions apply, and are explained in the policies
  • Above U13, leagues at the "B" classification only exist for U15 and U18 age groups. 

7. Will my Bingo and Bench credits be applied to the new association?

All bingo, board and bench credits accumulated with PMHA or MMHA will carry over to your child if they play for GBMHA.  If your child remains with PMHA or MMHA on an LL team, your credits accumulated will continue to be applied to next season's registration fees. 

8. How will GBMHA ensure transparency and fairness during the player selection process?

Answer to come.

9. How many non-local players will be allowed to play in the Georgian Bay Minor Hockey Association?

Answer to come.

10. My player would like to play for the team above their age group.  How would that work?

Answer to come.

11. When are Local League coaching applications due?

Answer to come.