Representative (Georgian Bay Minor Hockey)


Why Choose Representative Hockey?

Beginning at U9, players have the opportunity to compete in a more competitive environment through representative hockey. This level of play provides enhanced skill development, structured team play, and the chance to compete against top teams in Ontario. Our program runs from the beginning of September through the end of March, including regular season league play and playoffs. Qualifying teams may advance to the OMHA Championships or even the OHF Championships.

Team Classifications

We offer two classifications for representative teams:

  • “A” Hockey – Our primary representative level

  • “B/BB” Hockey – A secondary representative option, offered based on registration and league availability

All teams receive two practices per week to ensure strong development throughout the season.

U9 "MD" Hockey – The Stepping Stone to Rep Hockey

U9 Minor Development (MD) is the perfect introduction to representative hockey, offering a more competitive experience while maintaining a strong focus on player growth and skill development.

  • Practices: 2 x 60-minute practices per week

  • League: Competes in the YSMHL

  • Game Format: League format and number of games are still TBD

“A” Hockey – Competitive & High-Level Play

Our “A” teams are designed for players seeking the highest level of competition available within our association.

  • Practices: 2 x 80-minute practices per week

  • League: Competes in the YSMHL with a 26-game regular season

  • Playoffs:

    • Teams participate in the YSMHL OMHA Qualifiers, a pod-based round-robin event determining the top 4 teams

    • The top 4 teams move on to the League Semi-Finals and Finals

    • The two finalists typically qualify for the OMHA Championships

    • Teams that do not finish in the top 4 compete in the President’s Cup, ensuring meaningful hockey for all teams throughout the season

“B/BB” Hockey – Competitive Yet Development-Focused

Our “B/BB” teams provide an excellent representative hockey experience with strong development opportunities and competitive play.

  • Practices: 2 x 70-minute practices per week

  • League: "B" Competes in the GBMHL with a 20-game regular season or "BB" competes in the YSMHL with a ~20-game regular season

  • Playoffs:

    • Teams participate in the GBMHL OMHA Qualifiers or YSMHLA OMHA Qualifiers, a round-robin event determining the top 4 teams

    • The top 4 teams move on to the League Semi-Finals and Finals

    • The top one or two finalists typically qualify for the OMHA Championships

More Than Just Games – A Commitment to Development

Georgian Bay wants to be the center of choice for hockey players in our region. That’s why we’re investing in additional player and goalie development programs:

  • Goalie Development Program: Our goal is weekly development opportunities for goalies

  • Player Development Programs: We’re working on bi-weekly on-ice development options for skaters

  • Team Off-Ice Development: Teams will have access to weekly off-ice development sessions

Please note that these development opportunities may have some additional costs associated with it not covered by registration fees.

Where We Play

All representative teams will play under the Georgian Bay Islanders name and logo. Home games and practices will take place at NSSRC (Midland) or PMCC (Penetang).

How to Join the Islanders

Players must attend player evaluations and be selected for representative teams. For more details on pre-skates and tryouts, see Register for Pre-Skates or Register for Player Evaluations.

We’re excited to build a strong, competitive hockey culture and help our players reach their full potential. We hope to see you on the ice representing the Georgian Bay Islanders!